On 4/20, redveil returned with his best work to date. Cohesively intertwining various layers of production between tracks, while the lyrics meticulously capture the art of learning how to swim and all that it represents. The jazz undertones are complimented by various brass elements, including some glorious saxophone solos lying underneath redveil as he spits with conviction. He shifts between flows with ease keeping a key theme of adaptation throughout. Highly motivating lyrics convey his message of rolling with the punches. Utilising female vocals a touch on 'mars' and the collaboration 'shoulder' with Mekdelawit and Renaissance Mic, has played the part of a guardian angel and helped to give the sonics of the album a feeling of ascension. He teams up with Fly Anakin and Ovrkast on 'automatic', an abstract hip hop ode to being unbreakable. The fact he's produced the album all on his own is even more impressive. He's truly blossoming into one of our generation's greatest, bringing something new to the table.
Written by Kat Friar